“THE RULES:Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”
1: I am a world class procrastinator. If I were God, we would still be on day 3
2: I am scared of heights. Has anyone else thrown up at the sight of the Grand Canyon?
3: I have absolutely no sense of balance. And I have the broken bones to prove it. Can't roller skate or ride a bike
4: Gawd knows I love the south, but no one is going to get grits in my mouth. I hate cooked cereal of any kind
5: When under stress, I walk in my sleep
6: I get sea sick. I got sea sick on an aircraft carrier. Fine in cars and planes, even lovely small planes. But show me water and I turn green :-)
7: I talk funny, posting with the Brits. I have been known to yell "Wanker or Arse" out the car window at offending drivers. Or "Bollocks " Southerners are too polite to ask if I have gone a bit daft :-)
8: Melted cheese makes me sick. Solid cheese is fine. No pizzas for Suzann
8a: I am tone deaf, can't tell a flat from a sharp. This does not stop me from singing, you have been warned ;-)
I can't tag anyone (see #1:, everyone is already tagged) :P
Woohoo I made it before 2007, go meeeeeeeee