Outch That Was My Finger
Have you ever stuck a sharp knitting needle into your finger? Band-aids just catch onto the knitting. These clever little pads protect your finger quite nicely. The plastic is a bit textured and not as thin as you would think. I can't tell you how many times I have jabbed my right index finger with INOX or Aero 2.25mm needles while I pick up sock gussets. Before I even start I slap one of these dandy little dots on my finger. You get 64 ovals in a package. They are available in almost all craft stores and made by The Colonial Needle Co. I got mine at ACMoore, but they are available online.
Ooooo, that is exactly what I have been needing. The side of my left pointer finger has developed a bit of a split where I guide the needle when knitting socks. It just about gets healed and I poke it again. Little bandaid dots help, but don't look as effective as those.
Hey Marlene they are much better then band aids. The material is thicker and the edges don't fray and catch at the yarn like band aids can.
Hi Brooks ;)
Absolutly Brilliant Suzanne. Thanks for the tip. I am going to call JoAnne's today and see if they carry these plastic thimbles. I live in such a small town that all we have is WalMart and JoAnne's Fabric. I may have to order some?
Thanks again